
Ruby Jard supports customization via preloaded configuration files. You can configure Jard both globally and on a per-project basis.

  • If the JARD_CONFIG_FILE environment variable is available, Jard uses that file.
  • The global configuration file is located at ~/.jardrc.
  • The project configuration file is located at .jardrc in the current working directory when you start Ruby Jard. Per-project configs override the global one.

Here are some supported configurations:

color_schemeChoose your favorite color scheme. See color schemes page for more information.256See color-scheme command
layoutBy default, Ruby Jard chooses the layout based on current window size. This option allows you to force a layout.nilnil, tiny, wide, narrow-vertical, narrow-horizontal
enabled_screensForce display of a subset of screens. This option correlates with the recent layout's screens.[]backtrace, menu, source, threads, variables
filterFilter mode. See filter page for more information:application:everything, :gems, :application, :source_tree
filter_includedFilter included pattern. See filter page for more information[]
filter_excludedFilter excluded pattern. See filter page for more information[]
alias_to_debuggerUse debugger instead of jard when debugging.falsetrue, false
key_bindingsKey binding customization. See key bindings page for more information

This is a complete example of a configuration file:

config.color_scheme = "deep-space"
config.alias_to_debugger = true
config.layout = "wide"
config.enabled_screens = ['backtrace', 'source']
config.filter = :gems
config.filter_included = ['active*', 'sidekiq']
config.filter_excluded = ['acts-as-taggable-on']
config.key_bindings = {
RubyJard::Keys::CTRL_N => 'next',
RubyJard::Keys::CTRL_U => 'up',
RubyJard::Keys::CTRL_D => 'down',
RubyJard::Keys::META_S => 'step'