
You can either change the filter mode on-the-fly with the filter comamnd or use a global/per-project configuration file. Ruby Jard features a powerful filtering system. This system consists of a filter mode, include list, and exclude list. The filter mode defines how Ruby Jard reacts to control flow commands. There are 4 filter modes:

  • Application (application) - default mode. This mode filters out all backtraces in gems, the standard library, and some weird places you won't be interested in. All control flow commands (step, next) bypass gems and the standard lib and stop at the next point in the application only.

  • Gems (gems). This mode allows you to step into gem code and the application layer. This mode is useful when you need to debug a problem inside a gem called from your application. All backtrace information from the application and gems is visible. All control flow commands bypass the standard library only.

  • Everything (everything). This mode enables you to step anywhere, including the standard library. This is the most powerful (and noisiest!). One note here: Ruby Jard can't step into any method implemented in C.

  • Source Tree (source_tree). This mode is the most restrictive. It only allows you to jump into a file belonging to the source tree rooted in the current working directory. This mode is useful if you only care about the code in a particular subfolder of a big project or mono-repo (hi Stripe).

Filter modes work with the include/exclude lists, which make use of Ruby glob patterns. The lists are comprised of gem name and path.

Filter in action

Filter in action


Filter modeIncluded listExcluded listMeanings
applicationi18nBreak in application code and anything in the i18n gem.
applicationhttparty, faradaylib/dsl/*, lib/shared/*Break in application code and the httparty and faraday gems; ignore DSL files and shared libraries
applicationaws-*sidekiqBreak in application code and all AWS gems, but ignore the sidekiq framework
applicationipaddr, puma, uri, resolvlib/**/*.erbAh. You are a low-level ruby developer right? puma is a web server gem; ipaddr, uri, and resolv are standard lib. All erb files are ignored
gemsactive*, action*Who cares about rails internals?